Medical Acupuncture
No doctor referral required
How Medical Acupuncture Works:
Relaxation Reflex: when an injury occurs in the body the surrounding muscles often go into spasm and become “tight”. This tightness produces stiffness and pain. A relaxation reflex occures when the needle is inserted at a specific anatomical point. This tiggers the nervous system to relax the muscle.
Endorphin Theory: acupuncture releases endorphins; this is the body’s own natural pain killer.
Circulatory Theory: acupuncture needles increase the circulation of blood flow to the site of injury. This triggers the body to “re-start” the healing process. Now important nutrients and cells are brought to the site of injury to repair the damaged tissue.
Gate Control Theory of Pain: acupuncture needles are carefully placed near nerves that are producing pain. The needles create a powerful stimulus to the nervous system. The nervous system eventually becomes overwhelmed and the pain signal is blocked.
Acupuncture is effective in treating a wide variety of disorders such as:
Back pain / sciatica
Neck pain / whiplash
Shoulder pain / rotator cuff injuries
Tendon injuries
Sport injuries
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)
Stress and depression
Your First Visit
During your first visit, the acupuncture doctor will take a detailed medical history related to your primary concerns. A physical exam will then follow to identify the cause of the problem. Once, the cause is determined a treatment plan will be outlined and discussed. Treatment will then follow using evidence based techniques.
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